Windsor-Essex County

Right To Life

WERTL is a Registered  Educational Charity.

 Every Human LIFE is valuable - from Conception to Natural Death.

Every  Life is Precious

Visit our Events Page for the Calendar of our Upcoming Events!

See below for the NEXT EVENT coming up on May 5th

We're making changes! Sections of our Website are under construction.  Please be patient with us while we update our site!  If there are questions about specific events, please click on Contact Us in the Navigation Bar or Menu. 


Join us for our

 MAY 5th MARCH FOR LIFE & Silent Vigil.

Meet on SUNDAY, MAY 5th by 2:15 pm for food, refreshments and Music!

Please gather at: Immaculate Heart Church Hall (basement)

2153 Parkwood Ave., Windsor. This is within walking distance of the vigil site.

Books and other Pro-Life items will be available.

After our inspirational GUEST SPEAKER, those who wish to walk will proceed to the sidewalk in front of Met Hospital for a short, silent vigil with prayers and the laying of a memorial wreath.


Because that's where surgical abortions and euthanasia occur. We pray for the victims, their families, those contemplating the taking of a life, and for those involved in any way - that they may have a change of heart and embrace a culture of LIFE.

Signs will be distributed, but you are welcome to bring your own if you have one (please note - it is recommended that 40 Days for Life signs only be used within the designated 40DFL vigil dates). We have signs with various Pro-Life messages for you to use.

Everyone is welcome! Bring family and friends!

(Rain or Shine!)

WERTL members represent various faith traditions. If you are a member of a faith tradition and would like to host a service or gathering to promote the dignity and sanctity of life, please contact the office at 519-969-7555 or

SHARE this information!  People need to know that the Pro-Life community is active in Windsor-Essex County, and many may wish to get involved.