Windsor-Essex County

Right To Life

WERTL is a Registered  Educational Charity.   Every Human LIFE is valuable - from Conception to Natural Death.

 Our mission is to educate, equip and empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming decisions.

Visit our Events Page for the Calendar of our Upcoming Events!

Scroll down for the NEXT EVENTS coming up 

We're making changes! Sections of our Website are under construction.  Please be patient with us while we update our site!  If there are questions about specific events, please click on Contact Us in the Navigation Bar or Menu. 


The FALL 2024 40 Days for Life CAMPAIGN will begin on Wednesday  Sept. 25 - and ends on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024 

Closing Rally will take place on Saturday, Nov. 2 at the vigil site at 9:30 am. The Vigil site is the sidewalk in front of Met Hospital, our local abortuary. 

Go to EVENTS in the Menu for more information.

November  19 - 23

Join us for our November Educational Awareness Week,  EAW Theme - Disability Rights

Meet at Noon for one hour on the sidewalk in front of Met Hospital. Signs will be provided.

In the Menu, Click on Events:

 Awareness Week Details for more information